MY Mission

I am a homeowner. It is NOT lost on me that I must do something to live in a world affected by Climate Change. No one will come save me – I must do it all for myself. Either by hiring help or just doing it.

More importantly, I’m a retired teacher and I feel it’s my duty to help other people get ready. I’m prepared to teach myself and then, teach YOU.

Researcher at Heart

For more than 30 years, every summer, before the students arrived, I researched best practices, new teaching tools, and then wrote exciting and interesting plans to engage the children. Retirement hasn’t stopped me from doing any of that … only now I’m focussed on a different “classroom.”

I don’t know who you are and I don’t really care – in the kindest sense. All I care about is that YOU are as READY for the changes as you CAN BE.

My Core Values

I value information and being informed. I value truth and honesty. I value friends and family and helping each other out. And I’m sure we can pull together to get through the toughest of times so we can celebrate our strengths in the passing of time.

Why This Site? 

I don’t care if you visit other sites. But, this one is free, I’ve done the research for you and you can start here. FOLLOW the LINKS, SURF the WEB, FIGURE OUT WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.

Git ‘er done.